Where's The Elephant Picture Book!

We are so very pleased to partner with Candlewick Press for today's post and giveaway!

Where's the Elephant is my pic for Earth Day this year.  Celebrate April 22 and every single day by voting with your dollar, teaching your children about true sustainability, reusing, global climate and being good stewards of our lands and water ways.  

It matters.

I came home from my trip to find Where's The Elephants by Barroux and I was immediately moved.  Where's The Elephant, gently but affectively touches on what I had, had on my mind since my trip to Dallas Zoo - habitats, human encroachment and deforestation for our own monetary gains.  Where's The Elephant is in, no way preachy about the subject and in-fact there are few words in the book.  The art.  Oh, the art.  We highly recommend Where's The Elephant and honestly cannot wait until Barroux creates his next work of art - a child's book -  that is for every single human being.

We had just gone to the zoo in Dallas and normally I am not a fan of zoos.  This was different.  I met several zoo employees, all passionate, real and so knowledgeable about world animal habitats and the environment in general.  One woman, in particular was extremely passionate and had been all over the world working with animals.  Environments, governments and politics in general are different than they used to be.  I agreed and we talked about our love for animals and their well-being and happiness.   

The colors and illustrations are absolutely brilliant! 
We have one hardcover copy of Where's The Elephant by Barroux to giveaway.  US only please.  Prize is shipped via publisher. We are not responsible for shipping or use.

Please note:  The adorable elephant in the pictures is from The Land of Nod.  It is one of little one's favorite lovelies and is not part of giveaway. (thought I'd mention that)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

We are in partnership with Candlewick Press.  Opinions are our own.  Where's the Elephant is to be my go-to picture book for kid's gifts.  I HIGHLY recommend! 


Anel said…
We can teach our kids about the environment by showing them to recycle, pick up trash, plant flowers for the bees, and by reusing as much as we can. They follow our actions!